
DEM 128064 JFGH-PW

Display Elektronik LCD graphic modules

The Display Elektronik 128x64 format FSTN LCD displays are robust LCD graphics modules for demanding applications. With monochrome LCD FSTN displays and high contrast, these displays offer a clear and distinct representation. Connection is possible directly to SPI/I²C or to 4-, 8- or 16-bit data bus. These LCD graphic modules are also available with touch panels, which are marked with the suffix A-T or TP. The supply voltage is +3 / 3.3V or 5V. With an operating temperature range of -20 to +70°C, these LCD graphic modules are ideal for use in environments with high temperatures or harsh conditions. Expand your applications with these powerful and reliable Display Electronics FSTN LCD displays.


DEM 128064 JFGH-PW

36375 DEM 128064 JFGH-PW DEM128064JFGH-PW DEM128064JFGH-PW Display Elektronik LCD graphic modules. The Display Elektronik 128x64 format FSTN LCD displays are robust LCD graphics modules for demanding applications. With monochrome LCD FSTN displays and high contrast, these displays offer a clear and distinct representation. Connection is possible directly to SPI/I²C or to 4-, 8- or 16-bit data bus. These LCD graphic modules are also available with touch panels, which are marked with the suffix A-T or TP. The supply voltage is +3 / 3.3V or 5V. With an operating temperature range of -20 to +70°C, these LCD graphic modules are ideal for use in environments with high temperatures or harsh conditions. Expand your applications with these powerful and reliable Display Electronics FSTN LCD displays.


Manufacturer's name DEM128064JFGH-PW
Pixel size [mm] 0,495x0,495
Background white
Illumination white
Field of view [mm] 70,7x38,8
Dimensions [mm] 80x54x6,5
Data Sheet

Unit price

18,79 €

Stock: 86
Further delivery:
CW 02/2025